Growing up, I fantasized about having a canopy bed where I would sleep under a cascade of beautiful pink fabric. I didn't have any clue what the purpose of sleeping under a canopy of fabric might be, but is seemed very romantic-- and most princesses did it.
Later in life I learned that this cascade of fabric that I had seen floating above people's beds in pictures and movies was actually a mosquito net and it was used for keeping mosquitoes off the person sleeping under it. In fact, Jessie, mom and I used mosquito nets while we were in Costa Rica. This revelation and experience took some of the romanticism away from the whole idea, but they still seemed pretty exotic.
Well, yesterday I got my very own mosquito net-- treated with 'long-lasting insecticide'! For the record, needing a mosquito net is not romantic at all and having one isn't very fun either. I know I should not complain about having a mosquito net-- there are people dying of malaria because they don't have mosquito nets. But, I have to lament that my mosquito net is NOT pink, and it is a bit frightening to wake up and find that you are trapped under a net. Thankfully we don't have malaria in Gaborone, but we DO have mosquitoes-- and the rainy season hasn't even started. (yikes)
While my insecticide-treated net cost P315, you can purchase one for someone in need for only $6. The following link is to World Vision's Operation Safety Net: