This statue of Seretse Khama- which I walk by almost daily (sometimes twice) prompted me to share a bit about Botswana’s political structure, history, and basic information I have learned thus far.
Botswana is a very young, democratic nation. The President,Ian Khama is a member of the Botswana Democratic Party which has held power since independence in 1966. This is where the statue comes in- it is of Seretse Khama, the first President (and father of the current president) of Botswana.
In addition to the Executive Branch, Botswana has a Legislative Branch that includes the House of Chiefs. This committee is made up of representative members of Batswana. Matters of tribal concern must go through the House of Chiefs. Additionally, some legal matters that involve traditional laws a customs are heard in the Kgotla. The House of Chiefs and Kgotla are central aspects of Botswana’s culture and I have seen how they play a big role in the day to day functions of the people.
Basic information I have learned thus far:
Citizens of Botswana are referred to as Batswana (Motswana is the singular)
English is an official language, but Batswana speak Setswana more often than not.
There is a great deal of national pride. Billboards, t-shirts, flags, posts, fences, stores and vehicles display the blue/ black/ blue stripes that are indicative of the country’s flag (see the fence in the photo above).
Fascinating! National pride sure comes through in the #1 Ladies' Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith :)