Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Toe Jam

What can you do with a pantyliner, a kleenex and a band-aid? Well, I wish I'd taken a picture before I put my sock on! Yesterday I rammed my big toe into the tile stair leading to my bedroom. You know that feeling right after to stub your toe: it really hurts, but for a moment you're not sure if it's just a minor stub or a reason to call 911. Well, there is not 911 service here, so thankfully this incident wasn't one of those, but it was pretty bad. It was a bleeder. But luckily, I got straight into the shower to clean it off.

I kept it elevated all evening and it looked pretty good this morning. However, I was worried about what to do with it during my upcoming, approximately 36 hours of traveling. My goal was to keep it clean and dry for the duration of the trip. This is where the pantyliner, kleenex and band-aid come in. I washed my whole foot with soap and water, dried it and then wrapped my big toe with a pantyliner. This created a tube of 'fresh and dry' air for my toe to exist in. Next, I wrapped the pantyliner in a kleenex to prevent my sock from catching on the sticky part and topped the whole thing off with a band-aid.

Bon Voyage!

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